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Workshop on research ethics

27th - 28th September 2018, London, UK

On 27th and 28th of September 2018 ESRs Kanako Kuramitsu, Natassia Sersté, Jakub Gałęziowski, Lisa Haberkern and Lukas Schretter participated in a CHIBOW workshop on research ethics at University of East London. The workshop was held by Professor Nimisha Patel, the CHIBOW network’s external ethics advisor. On the first day, the ESRs presented and discussed key ethical dilemmas that they encountered before, during and after carrying out their research projects, such as difficulties with institutional ethics requirements, dealing with the expectations of research participants and the researchers’ efforts to minimize potential risks for research participants after publication of research results. On the second day, the ESRs discussed ideas and drafts for two publications on research ethics, based on the experiences in the CHIBOW network. One article will focus on ethical requirements placed upon the researchers by the funding body and host institutions, the other on the question how the researchers dealt with the expectations of research participants on the researchers. Both articles give insight into core ethical issues encountered in research on Children Born of War and shall contribute to providing new perspectives in the field of Oral History.


Workshop: A transgenerational perspective on conflict-related sexual violence: Facing the past - transforming the future 

This workshop included panels on the following: 

Long-term consequences conflict-related traumatic experiences and sexual violence –

a transgenerational perspective - Heide Glaesmer, University of Leipzig, Germany 



Lesson learned from psychosocial approach in helping victims/survivors of gender-based and conflict-related sexual violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Esmina Avdibegovic, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina   



Healing of human rights violations needs memorisation and recognition of society & politics -  25 years of experience of medica mondiale in conflict & post-war regions - Monika Hauser, medica mondiale, Germany


Mother-child attachment representations in traumatized refugee mothers: Case examples from the Netherlands - Kimberley Anderson, Psychotraumacentrum Zuid Nederland,  Netherlands 



Issues of identity and belonging across the lifespan of children born of rape in Post-WWII-Germany   - Sophie Roupetz, University of Leipzig, Germany



Lived experiences of children born of recent war in Bosnia and Herzegovina – How we can make it better in post-conflict settings? - Amra Delic, University of Greifswald, Germany; Bosnian Association “Forgotten Children of War”




Topic: Oral History in researching the Second World War and its consequences - workshops on the examples of the Museum and Memorial Auschwitz-Birkenau in Oświęcim and the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) in Katowice.  Ewelina Malachowska will lead the workshop at IPN and the following visitation to Auschwitz-Birkenau will be led by Szymon Kubiesa, who will report on the situation of children and youth in the concentration camp.

Organisation: Silesian University in Katowice, Poland​





Advanced Training Course (ATC) 6 - Academic and non-academic dissemination strategies

26th - 28th October 2017, Katowice, Poland

Oral History Workshop

14th - 16th May 2018, Sarajevo, Bosnia


5th - 9th June 2017, Birmingham, UK

This ATC, led by UoB will bring together experts in academic publishing and public engagement from a diverse range of fields and sectors. Over the course of 5 days researchers will work with these professionals to understand and develop effective dissemination strategies - part of this programme will involve hands-on short documentary making with film makers based in Creative Media at the University. 


The ATC will be open to external researchers on Wednesday 7th June, this day will focus predominantly on academic dissemination, with a broad range publishers and academics. More details will be posted shortly.

Advanced Training Course (ATC) 5 - Memory, remembrance and forgetting: Construction of Identity

28th - 30th September 2016, Warsaw, Poland

The construction of memories as part of the post-war recovery process is vital in understanding the reconstruction of societies fractured by war. Memory and conflict are intimately connected. Without a sense of memory, social groupings cannot reproduce the stories that connect them as communities. Memory and identity are mutually constituted and memory itself is a highly contested concept. Nevertheless memories construct the nature of conflicts, and conflicts create the memories for further identity formations and reformations. This training programme will explore the idea of memory and how people remember conflicts.

Advanced Training Course (ATC) 3 - Psychosocial characteristics of CBOW theoretical background, methodological approaches, cultural issues and implementation

6th - 10th June 2016, Den Bosch, The Netherlands

Background knowledge on childhood development, developmental psychology and psychotraumatology. This will include discussion of some key theories (psychoanalysis, learning and cognitive) as well as the introduction of some mental health issues, e.g. PTSD, its diagnosis, general treatment concepts and other trauma-related disorders, their diagnosis and general treatment concepts.

6th - 7th June 2016, led by University of Leipzig, Germany

Advanced Training Course (ATC) 4 - Psychotherapeutic and humanitarian interventions in refugees and CBOW (Psychological foundations and methods)

9th - 10th June 2016, led by PTC

ATC3 will provide an interdiction to the theoretical background, methodological approaches, cultural issues and implementation. Introduction of the main psychosocial concepts (stigma/discrimination; identity, attachment, mental disorders, protective factors etc.) to be investigated in CBOW. This will focus on the aspect of culture in diagnostics and interventions

Click here to download the programme for the Advanced Training Course (ATC) 3 & 4

Advanced Training Course (ATC) 1 - Research Methods // Social Research

1st - 5th February 2016, University of Graz, Austria

An introduction to the principles and practice of data collection, collation and analysis. Teaching and learning exercises demonstrate the value of research skills in relation to both textual and numeric data. The importance of ethical practice in research development, collection, collation, analysis and dissemination is stressed throughout. This aspect will be taken up in more detail in ATCs 3 and 4. All trainees have the opportunity to build further on the skills acquired in this ATC by enrolling into the diverse portfolio of methodology modules as part of their continuing professional development. These workshops include among others Narrative Research, Analyzing Hierarchical and Panel Data, Visual Research Methods, Linguistic Ethnography, Documentary Research in Education, History and the Social Sciences, Researching Disability, Approaches to Research on Discourse, Policy Evaluation.


Advanced Training Course (ATC) 2 - Research Methods // Social History & Oral History

An introduction to a range of approaches in historical research and theoretical and methodological questions arising, particularly in relation to contemporary history. It will encourage trainees to develop, present and justify their own approaches.


A second focus will be an introduction into a variety of sources relevant to the study of CBOW, including archival (local, regional and national) material, register data, governmental and non-governmental documents, surveys, databases, policy documents.

CHIBOW has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 642571

The University of Birmingham is the coordinating body of the Children

Born of War Initial Training Network

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