CHIBOW ITN researcher presented preliminary results at Oslo workshop
The participatory workshop “Securing health care of hidden populations: The case of Children Born of War - What are the special risks and needs of Children Born of War (CBOW)?” was held on the 5th June 2018 in Oslo, Norway, gathering together researchers, practitioners and policy makers working in the field of children affected by conflict, and aiming at increasing the awareness of CBOW and their health care needs, including especially the psychosocial health needs. The state of the art on the evidence base available so far on health related issues affecting CBOW and their long term implications were presented and discussed in the context of findings from more recent and/or ongoing conflicts where CBOWs are born (such as in Nigeria, Syria, Ukraine).
Amra Delic, the CHIBOW ITN researcher from the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the University Medicine Greifswald, took part in the Session I: Health related aspects of being a child born of war – some empirical evidence, and spoke about Health outcomes and human rights: challenges for children born of war in post-conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Amra presented the preliminary results of her study conducted between 2016 and 2017 in BiH, which are consistent with previous findings that CBoW are placed at a greater risk of experiencing stigma, discrimination, socio-economic and familial deprivation, and developing mental disorders.
A transdisciplinary and multisector workshop was organized by the Centre for Global Health and the Department of Psychology at the University of Oslo (UiO), with the Peace Research Institute Oslo and in partnership with the Cologne Business School and the GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences. The goal of this workshop was to develop an action plan to increase the awareness of CBOW and their immediate and long-term health care needs, and to define the first measures to be implemented by relevant actors.