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CHIBOW Researcher completes Secondment at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute in Graz

Early Stage Researcher Lisa Haberkern, member of the European Union’s Marie Curie Initial Training Network “Children born of war – past, present and future project,” was seconded to the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Research on Consequences of War in Graz, Austria form the 11th September to the 11th October. The secondment was an opportunity for Lisa to further the methodological structure of her project thanks to the fruitful exchange with Barbara Stelzl-Marx, the networks director of research, fellow ESR Lukas Schretter as well as the other researchers at the Boltzmann Institute.

Concentrating on the consequences of war the Institute furthered the understanding of postwar interment in Austria as well as in the former Soviet Union and is highly engaged in researching the history of CBOW in Central and Eastern Europe with a special emphasis on Austria.

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CHIBOW has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 642571

The University of Birmingham is the coordinating body of the Children

Born of War Initial Training Network

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