The following universities and institutes are all lead participants within the CHIBOW network. Each has one or more Early Stage Researcher on placement, under the supervision of an Academic Lead scientist.
BBC Learning (BBC) seeks to connect, create and magnify powerful opportunities for learning across the entire BBC, to inspire all audiences; responsible for the online home for all the BBC’s factual genres and formal learning offerings, such as the home for the BBC’s new learning online guides resource, iWonder.
Harvard Humanitarian Initiative at the Department of Global Health and Population at the Harvard School of Public Health (HHI) is a university-wide center involving multiple entities within the Harvard community that provide expertise in public health, medicine, social science, management, and other disciplines to promote evidence-based approaches to humanitarian assistance. The mission of the Initiative is to relieve human suffering in war and disaster by advancing the science and practice of humanitarian response worldwide.
German Historical Institute Warsaw (DHIW) studies the History of Poland, German-Polish Relations, issues of Comparative History of Poland and Germany as well as Historiography. Also Jewish History, an integral component of the history of both nations, represents an area of research for the institute. It publishes study conclusions, source editions as well as historical studies in German and in Polish translation. Furthermore the DHI organises diverse academic events and promotes young academic scholars through scholarships and colloquia. The institute also distributes information and mediates academic contacts.
GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (GESIS) is the largest infrastructure institution for the Social Sciences in Germany. More than 250 employees in three locations (Mannheim, Cologne, Berlin) render substantial, nationally and internationally relevant research-based infrastructure services.

Organisational Lead
Kaori Maekawa
ICON-Institute GmbH & Co. KG (ICON) ICON-INSTITUTE Consulting Group closely works with its clients in the implementation of tailor-made and hands-on solutions in the fields of management and development consulting. With over 35 years of experience, we hold a leading market position in management and development consulting. Our clients include international and national development organisations such as the European Union, the Worldbank and other international development banks, bilateral development agencies such as GIZ, KfW, DFID, as well as national and local governmental institutions and private sector companies.
Facilitation for Peace and Development (FAPAD) is a voluntary Non Governmental Organisation founded in 2000 that launched operations in 2004. Inspired by the urge to protect women and children at the peak of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) insurgency in Lango sub-region in Northern Uganda, FAPAD was founded to tackle the silent issues regarding property rights for women and children, specifically widows and orphans who were facing several abuses including denial of land, housing and other properties after the death of their beloved husbands and fathers.
I-CORE - centre of Excellence of Trauma research at the Tel Aviv University (TAU) Israel is one of the world's natural laboratories of mass trauma and a key player in trauma research worldwide. The newly established Center’s main goal is to conduct multidisciplinary, collaborative, interactive and systematic research. Our studies combine social, psychological and biological processes underlying preparedness, adjustment and resilience of individuals, families and communities before, during, and after mass trauma. The Center comprises 6 labs in the 5 leading Israeli Universities.
Interperform Creations UG (LLC) is a production company with a clear focus on music -and music-theatre productions. Business-owner Paul Hörmann is a Master of Music – with 18 years of professional practise as singer (Lied/Opera/Oratorio) and actor (Music-theatre). Since 2007 he has focused on the development and realisation of stage-productions, presentation-Training, with a special focus on the effective use of voice -and acting techniques.
The Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust (IR) was founded in 1967 and has grown into one of the largest independent museums in the world. As a registered charity, conservation and education is at the heart of all our activities and our aim is to conserve, maintain and interpret the remarkable monuments to Britain’s industrial history that survive in the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site. The Trust cares for 36 scheduled monuments and listed buildings and operates 10 Museums which collectively tell the holistic story of the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site.
Centre for Children in Vulnerable Situations (CCVS) is a Belgian interuniversity research centre (collaboration between Ghent University, Vrije Universiteit Brussel and K.U.Leuven) directed at the enhancement of the psychosocial wellbeing children and adolescents living in vulnerable situations in Southern countries.
All Saints University (ASUL) Lango, Uganda is a private University. And is a fully recognized institution of Higher Education in Uganda with institutional links among others European universities, the Commonwealth University Secretariat aimed at institutional capacity building in Northern Uganda.
Russian State University for the Humanities was founded in 1908 on the initiative of the eminent Russian patron of the arts, Alfons Shanyavsky (ru), and played a special role in Russian higher education from its inception. It was the center of enlightened and moral education right up to 1918, realizing the progressive principles of alternative education in conjunction with a sound educational foundation available to all.
The Moscow State Institute for History and Archives, founded in 1930 as a center for the preparation of archivists, became over the years a focus of scientific research. In its archival pursuits in areas of history and such auxiliary realms as the study of primary sources, archaeology and palaeography, it managed to preserve the very best of Russian research. By the beginning of the 1990s, this institution had achieved university level which naturally enabled it to become the organizational heart of the RSUH, founded in 1991.
RSUH currently comprises seven institutes, eleven faculties, nineteen scientific and educational centers, eight laboratories, and fifty departments.
Foundation for War Victims in the East: Japanese Archives and Contacts (SOO) is a non-profit organization established in 2012 in the Netherlands in order to make bridges between Japanese archival sources and academic institutes/ individuals in the Netherlands. Among various research projects, SOO foundation is engaged specially in the search for biological fathers of children born of Japanese fathers (military and civilian) and mothers from the former Netherlands East Indies (current Indonesia) during and immediately after World War Two. Every search case receives legal support, and meeting with their Japanese family is arranged. The SOO foundation holds workshops and academic symposiums, cooperates with museum exhibitions, publishes newsletters and creates database of Japanese POW cards (furyo meimeihyo). The POW cards provide information regarding the members of Royal Netherlands Indies Army) and Netherlands Navy who were interned at Japanese POW camps in Asia during the war.