CHIBOW ESR gives guest lectures at Ugandan Universities
During her research stay in Uganda, Sophie Roupetz, was invited to give guest lectures at the Uganda Christian University in Kampala,...

Data Analysis Workshop of Child Marriage Project at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada
A workshop for data analysis on child marriage among Syrian Girls in Lebanon took place at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario,...

CHIBOW Early Stage Researcher Co-ordinating Research Project in Lebanon
Assisting in the research project “Making Sense of Child Marriage Among Syrian Refugees”, ESR Sophie Roupetz spent July and August in...

CHIBOW researchers attend workshop on Qualitative Content Analysis with Prof. Dr. Philipp Mayring
CHIBOW researchers Sophie Roupetz, Saskia Mitreuter, Eva Käuper, and Lisa Haberkern (from left to right) attended a three-day intensive...

CHIBOW researchers take part in intensive course on disaster preparedness
This past spring, Kimberley Anderson and Sophie Roupetz of the European Union’s Marie Curie Innovative Training Network “Children Born of...