Dr Barbara Stelzl-Marx //
CHIBOW Director of Research & Supervisor

Supervisor to
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Research on Consequences of War
Barbara is director of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Research into Consequences of War (BIK), Graz – Vienna – Raabs, Austria, and vice-president of the Austrian UNESCO Commission, Vienna. She studied history, Russian and English/American studies in Graz, Oxford, Volgograd and Stanford University, CA. In 2010 she finished her prize-winning habilitation in contemporary history.
Her specialist fields of research are, children of occupation after World War II; Soviet occupation of Austria 1945–1955; Cold War; Prisoners of War and forced labourers in the Third Reich and in the USSR; Vienna Summit 1961, and others.
She has published extensively the monography Stalins Soldaten in "Österreich. Die Innensicht der sowjetischen Besatzung" (Böhlau 2012) and "Besatzungskinder. Die Nachkommen alliierter Soldaten in Österreich und Deutschland" (Böhlau 2015), that she edited together with Silke Satjukow.