CHIBOW Affiliate-ship
You can now become an official ‘CHIBOW Affiliate’.
Become part of an international network focused upon examining a range of subjects related to Children Born of War. Get involved with CHIBOW
related activities and help us spread the word about the work that we do.
Over the next 3 years CHIBOW will be carrying out a range of dissemination projects and events throughout Europe, and we're keen to hear from individuals and organisations that would like to work with us. We welcome affiliates from across disciplines and sectors, from the social sciences to the arts, from the media to the charities sector.
Perhaps you already have a project that explores issues currently dealt with by CHIBOW researchers, or are yourself a Children Born of War and have a personal affinity with the network? If so, please do get in touch.
To become a CHIBOW Affiliate simply download the form, sign, and return to: Talissa Gasser, The Arts Building, The School of History and Cultures, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT.
If you have an inquiry about becoming a CHIBOW Affiliate please email